We respect your privacy


For effectively using IESL products, you need to provide your contact information such as your name, email ID and Mobile numbers. You may also need to provide contact information of your customers and vendors and your transactions with them. This information is saved on secure servers of IESL. The privacy and confidentiality of your data is important to us. This privacy statement confirms the ways in which we use the information and the data uploaded by you.

IESL shall not sell, exchange, trade, rent or transfer your personal information or your data to any third party for any reason whatsoever, except as specified hereunder.

Your personal information may be used as follows:-

  1. To send SMS, WhatsApp and Email requrest by you from your account.
  2. To send you transactional information pertaining to your account, such as transaction alerts, low balance alerts, overdue reminders etc.
  3. To send you updates on recent activity.
  4. To send alerts of any anticipated delay or downtime of service.
  5. To reply to your requests, queries and complaints.
  6. To personalise our services based on information provided by you to better respond to your individual needs.
  7. To conduct surveys and get feedback on our services in order to improve our services based on this information and feedback .
  8. To send periodic updates on changes in our services, features offered etc.
  9. To provide access to our staff and associates in order to discharge their duties efficiently and provide service to you. However we shall ensure that our staff and associates are bound by the terms and conditions of the privacy policy.
  10. To comply with any legal requirements or instructions from any law enforcing agency, to the extent that is required by law or in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, or in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.

IESL Products may contain links to other web-sites. These third party sites have independent policies and IESL shall not be responsible for the content, service or information provided on these links.

IESL may update this privacy policy by posting a new version on this website and sending email notification to all users. In case of any change in the Privacy Policy, IESL shall give you sufficient time to withdraw from using its services and shall not use the information collected prior to the change in policy in accordance with its new policy. However if you continue to use the service after the change in privacy policy, such continuance will be deemed acceptance of new privacy policy.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please use Contact Us page.

This privacy policy was last updated on 1 March, 2024.